Welcome to Mzawa Website and dont be hesitated to contact us for any inquaries, comments, suggestions and any by contacting to us by using our addresses or the form provided below

About Mzawa

The name mzawa used as the website name was intentionally selected by the site developer to try reflecting some activities which can be fulfilled by Mzawa in which according to TUKI Swahili-English dictionary Mzawa means Indigenous/native  person

The Mzawa Website 

The mzawa website www.mzawa.yolasite.com was created as an idea of the site developer, with the initial aim of creating a website which will contains almost many links of the Tanzanian Websites and those websites which are globally connecting us with abroad. Later the site increased its functionality by including more site content-pages such as Job VacanciesForums, Yaliyojili, My Professional and expecting more to come.

Rationale of this website 

The following could be the reasons of establishing the website like this:-

        1. Increasing needs of the electronic and online resources,      information’s and products/services

  2. Increasing needs of electronic and online sharing of information’s   and skills


To provide almost all useful websites links to Tanzanians and online information’s and sharing services.


To become the most visited website in Tanzania within two years of experience. 

 Contact Us

Although the management of this website found in Dar Es Salaam but the website and almost its businesses are running virtually which means no need of physical contacts between the mzawa management or any with website users, we will take advantages of electronic medias:-


Dar Es Salaam.

Mob:      0786 746 559      0716 188 981        0753 455 669

Emails: mzawa1@hotmail.com  mzawa2011@gmail.com 

Website: www.mzawa.yolasite.com

Also you can use the form bellow to submit any inquires of suggestions, advertising and others concerning to this websites.

Contact Us

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